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Update December 21, 2020

Good morning, everyone -

I write with a couple of updates. First, just a reminder that today is the first day of holiday break;

remote learning for all will resume on January 4, 2021. You can always find the district’s

calendar on our website at

Secondly, at last week’s School Committee meeting, the Committee voted to continue with fully

remote learning until January 11, 2021, as the Town is “red” once again. This may be pushed

to a later date based on the Department of Public Health data over the next couple of weeks. A

delay to hybrid in-person learning would impact not only our general education students, but our

high needs students and our athletes as well. The next School Committee meeting is January 6,

at which time we will review the most recent DPH data, and a decision will be made regarding

when we will resume hybrid in-person learning. Please feel free to reach out to the School

Committee with questions or concerns at any time. Their email address is

Third, the Committee also voted that students in grades 1 through 3 and grades 7 through 12

who have chosen the hybrid model for second semester (which begins on January 25) will

attend four days a week, Monday through Thursday. Our preschool, kindergarten and high

needs students are already attending in person four days a week. In the meantime, the

administrative team is exploring how we might offer this option to our students in grades 4

through 6, as there are challenges with regard to staffing, logistics and budget. We will provide

a report at the meeting on January 6.

I also would like to remind you that proof of a flu shot is due by December 31st. Please email

this documentation to the nurse in your child's school building. If your child does not receive a

flu vaccine and you do not provide a religious or medical exemption, your child will participate in

school remotely until such time as the vaccine is administered.

  • ECC at Quarry Hill

  • Granite Valley School

  • Monson High School

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mrs. Fedora at fedorak@

Below you will find a summary of important upcoming dates. Enjoy the holiday break and we

hope to be back together soon!


Cheryl A. Clarke


  • December 31, 2020 Deadline for evidence of flu shot

  • January 4, 2021 All students return to fully remote learning

  • January 6, 2021 School Committee meeting

  • January 11, 2021 Target date for return to hybrid in-person learning

  • January 18, 2021 No school - Martin Luther King Day

  • January 25, 2021 Target date for new model of hybrid in-person learning (grades 1-3

  • and grades 7-12 attend in person four days a week; grades 4-6

  • TBD)


Central Business Office

Early Childhood Center

Granite Valley School

Monson High School





43 Margaret Street

43 Margaret Street

21 Thompson Street

55 Margaret Street

© 2020 Monson Public Schools 

Central Business Office: 413.267.4150

Early Childhood Center: 413.267.4160

Granite Valley School: 413.267.4155

Monson High School: 413.267.4589

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