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See you Monday !

Dear Students and Families:

Greetings! We are excited to be welcoming our students back next Monday, August 30th. The building opens to students at 7:22 a.m. and the first class begins at 7:35 a.m. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria until 7:30 a.m. and must be consumed in there.

Students will report to homeroom first to receive their Chromebooks and locker assignments. Homerooms appear at the top of student schedules, and we will have signage up in the building and staff available in all the hallways to help with directions and to answer questions.

Student drivers do not need to worry about permits for the first few days, more information will be provided during announcements.

Dismissal is at 2:05 p.m. parents/guardians may park in any empty spot (except handicap without a plate or placard) to pick up their student. We ask that once the buses begin their departure that vehicles still in the parking lot allow all of the busses to depart without cutting into the line or stopping to allow other vehicles to pull out form the lower lots.

We are very excited to see everyone on Monday, enjoy the last weekend of summer!


Mr. Metzger & Mr. Sullivan

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Central Business Office: 413.267.4150

Early Childhood Center: 413.267.4160

Granite Valley School: 413.267.4155

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