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Parent Information sessions

Dear Parents and Guardians, We would like to share a few brief updates from GV. Mr. Trivisonno and I are hosting two Parent Information sessions this week. There will be a brief overview followed by an opportunity for families to ask questions about remote learning, the specific curriculum expectations for their child's grade level, or anything else you are wondering about. Evening session: Tuesday, 9/22-see your email for zoom link! 6:00-6:30 pm Focusing on Grades 1-3 6:30-7:00 pm Focusing on Grades 4-6 Morning session: Wednesday, 9/23- see your email for zoom link! 8:00- 8:30 am Focusing on Grades 1-3 8:30-9:00 am Focusing on Grades 4-6 Student Attendance-Students are expected to join their class at the beginning of the instructional block and remain in the class as directed by the teacher. For this week, classroom attendance will be taken a few minutes after the class has started. This will allow for any students experiencing technical difficulties a little extra time to enter the class. We expect the instances of tech issues to continue declining throughout the week. If a student is struggling with promptness and/or participation over multiple days, please let the teacher, counselor and/or administrator know what the issue is. This will allow us to assist you and your child as soon as possible. Video expectations-- We request for students' videos to remain on when they are in class receiving direct instruction from a teacher or para. Two main reasons why we are making this request are as follows: We are engaged in building a classroom community and the students benefit from being able to see (as well as hear) each other. Additionally, the teacher/para relies on ongoing observation of student learning behaviors to develop an accurate understanding of how your child learns. Some of what is observed is perceived through watching them work. This opportunity is diminished if we can't see your child on the video. There are occasions where the video component is not needed. The staff working with your child will inform him/her when having the video on is optional. Benchmarking/District assessments- Beginning next week, each student will meet with a reading specialist or special education teacher to participate in fall reading screenings. The information we collect from these screeners allows us to provide additional support to struggling learners and to measure all students' academic growth throughout the school year. More information on this will be sent towards the end of this week. Helpful info: " Tech help desk-- The Technology department is available at the QH Central Business Office until 8:00 pm this evening for your tech questions. " Grab and Go Breakfast/Lunch available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at GV from 11:00am -12:45pm. " Special Delivery-We are currently working on students' manipulative kits. When complete we will be delivering them right to your home! We will send specific details as we get closer to completion. Sincerely, Kate Watts and Joe Trivisonno


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