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GVS Updates

Dear Granite Valley Families,

As the fall season rolls in, we would like to share with you some important announcements and updates.

PBIS Carnival

Students have been doing an excellent job learning our ROCKS behavior expectations and working on attending the PBIS Carnival. Unfortunately, due to the weather, we have had to postpone the Carnival. The new date is Thursday, September 30th. We wanted to make sure that Mr. T was getting wet from being dunked, not from the rain!

Bathroom/School Vandalism

As you may have heard, the Tik Tok challenge, “Devious Licks” is occurring across the country. This involves destroying school bathrooms and stealing items from the school. We have had minor occurrences at GVS, but we do not want this to escalate. We have held meetings with grades 4, 5 and 6 to review bathroom expectations. We will be meeting with grades 1, 2, and 3 soon. We appreciate your help in discussing proper bathroom use with your child and stressing the importance of taking care of our school.

Parent Drop Off/Pick Up

We appreciate your flexibility as we have adjusted our car lines to meet both the needs of our families and busses, while keeping student safety at the forefront.

Some Arrival changes-

  • Cars will be allowed up to the front circle to drop off students starting at about 8:35am.

  • Please drive all the way up to the front circle. Do not drop students off at Door 3 as this holds up the rest of the line.

  • When the busses start arriving, we will stop the line from entering the front circle, move staff to the back and help students exit cars at the back of the parking lot. This allows our busses to enter the circle.

Some Dismissal changes

  • Cars will start by forming two lines at the back of the parking lot; the aisle furthest from the building. Once they reach the area where the yellow lines are painted, we will start filling the yellow line closest to the grass on the right side. We will then fill the middle lane and finally fill the lane closest to the soccer field.

  • A staff member will come around to take down the name of your student(s), going in order of how we fill the lanes.

  • Once cars pull up to the circle, we ask that no students enter a vehicle beyond the speed bump by Door 3. This is for student safety and keeps the line moving.

Special Olympics

GVS is excited to host the Special Olympics on Friday, October 1! Our students will go outside to the track for opening ceremonies to welcome the athletes for the day. After the opening ceremonies, it will be a typical school day for our learners. We cannot wait to support our athletes!

We enjoyed seeing all of you at our Virtual Open Houses and appreciate you sharing your children with us each day! Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Sincerely,Mr. Trivisonno and Mrs. Hudak


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43 Margaret Street

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55 Margaret Street

© 2020 Monson Public Schools 

Central Business Office: 413.267.4150

Early Childhood Center: 413.267.4160

Granite Valley School: 413.267.4155

Monson High School: 413.267.4589

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