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December 4, 2024

Minutes of the 

Monson School Committee

Regular Meeting

December 4, 2024

Present: Chair Alison Morgan; Vice-Chair Jamie Murphy; Secretary Karen Nothe-Valley; Committee Member Colleen Flynn; Committee Member Peter Wiggins; Director of Business and Operations Leah Zippin; Acting Superintendent Katherine Watts and Recording Secretary Haley Ketterman 

Note: This meeting was video recorded.

Mrs. Morgan called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

Mrs. Murphy read off the MPS mission statement.

Mrs. Watts announcements and updates : This week the building principals gave the updates.

Dr. Trivisonno - GV

-Thanked all of the guest readers who came to read this month - shout out to Mrs. Walker and Mr. Fontaine for reaching out to students in the HS to guest read at GV - will be connecting with them in the future to facilitate more student guest readers.

-Basketball buddies program: welcoming HS girls on Wednesdays from 2-3 and Boys Varsity on Fridays from 2-3 to work with GV students

-Holiday shop at the ECC this week and next week at GV.

-Dec 12th Holiday concert @ ECC 9:30-10:30 / GV Holiday concert grades 1-3 on Dec 12th @ 1:00-2:15 / Band & Chorus concert for grades 4-6 on Dec 18th @ 6:00-7:30 and the HS concert the same evening.

-Finished up Trimester 1 and report cards come out the 11th

Mr. Fontaine - HS

-Winter sports started up Monday: Boys freshman/JV/V basketball fully booked (roughly 35 students between all 3 teams) / Girls basketball will only have a varsity team this year / swim is at its highest numbers this year / Cheer is up to 14 students

-New club starting up: weight room club Tuesdays after schools in grades 7-12 with Mr. Degnan

-This Thursday the class of 2026 will be hosting a fundraiser at Main St Tavern (to help with prom and other class events approaching)

-Monday night the Travel Club will be hosting a fundraiser at the Texas Roadhouse

-Friday 13th MIAA student leadership conference - students of all ages, sports and backgrounds will be in attendance to participate in student leadership so they can then extend what they learned out to our students, teams and community.

-7th grade CT Science field trip next week 

-8th grade will be heading to the Springfield armory 

-Gingerbread house making contest in the works / week of the 16th

-Meetings with HCC and Umass to create early college programs at the high school. They just received their first articulation agreement for a computer application course. They are working with HCC for 4 more business courses as well. Another meeting is set up with Umass to talk about dual enrollment programs and to set something up with them - will have more information in early January regarding this program. Students will take online classes in the Monson Public Schools while receiving college credit and HS credit at the same time.

Student Representative report: 

Mya Bridges - ECC

-Guest readers came this week along with 8 representatives around the community - next round of reading will take place in February. 

-Tomorrow 8 more students will be awarded super stars of the month - they will receive certificates and lawn signs. 

-Holiday concert Dec 12th @ 9:30

-Spirit week will be the week of the 16th - there will be a message sent out regarding the themes

GV-Nov 27th PBIS Incentive took place - students got to decide from flashlight reading, just dance, basketball karaoke, guided drawing, legos & board games - a fun time was had by all.  

-Dec guest readers came today to read, had all kinds of members from the community

-Holiday concerts Dec 12th grades 1-3 holiday concert at 1Pm

-Dec 18th holiday concert grades 4-6 @ GV from 6-7:30



-Winter sports tryouts were on Monday

-The gratitude tree at the high school was a huge hit

-Gingerbread house competition will be taking place the week of the 16th

-Kripsy Kreme donut fundraiser by Student Council will be starting up soon

-Travel club will be hosting a fundraiser at Texas roadhouse  

-Class of 2028 is currently running a Hot Cocoa fundraiser (like a candy gram)

-Class of 2026 fundraiser at Main St Tavern - there will be raffle baskets as well

-Student council door decorating contest will be the week of the 16th

Minutes approval

November 13, 2024 minutes approval

Mrs. Morgan makes a motion to approve the November 13, 2024 regular business meeting minutes.

Mrs. Murphy seconds

Line #30 correction: from insensitive to incentive 

Line #67 correction: Correct soccer to basketball for winter sports 

Public Session correction: Update personal statements 

Line #102 correction: makes motion to approve graduation - add discussion was had

Line #112 correction: have declined the offer and to apply

Mrs. Morgan amends motion to approve November 13, 2024 minutes with stated revisions. 

Roll call was placed:

  • Mr. Wiggins - Yes

  • Ms. Nothe-Valley - Yes

  • Ms. Flynn - Yes

  • Mrs. Murphy - Yes

  • Mrs. Morgan - Yes

Public session opened @ 7:17 PM

 Closed public session @ 7:18PM

Subcommittee and Liaison reports

-Ms. Nothe-Valley gave an update on the finance subcommittee, they have met twice since our last meeting, on November 21st and tonight. They have been going through and hearing all of the visioning activities and the alignment of the budget - everything that goes into it from the administrative side for all 3 schools across the district, including the utilities, etc. The subcommittee has heard from the administration in the buildings as well as Leah Zippin who went over the draft budget in terms of what goes into everything and special circumstances of this particular year (union negotiations, prior bills, etc) a great and lengthy discussion was held and believes that they are in a great place with being earlier in the process than past years, as well as the level of transparency. Everyone is on the same page with arriving at a realistic number that will meet the goals for the district. The subcommittee thanked everyone for their hard work and transparency. 

New Business

-Therapy dog policy: although the school committee has approved the policy and there was an application approved by the superintendent to have the therapy dog, there have been questions regarding liability on the town and school. 

Mrs. Morgan read off what the current therapy dog policy is - and the policy says that the handler has to have insurance on the dog, which they do. However there are other considerations concerning the school and towns liability. The town insurance will not provide any insurance to the town or school should something happen regarding the therapy dog and a student or staff member in any circumstance. So what this means is that should a parent/guardian or staff member commence litigation against the school due to an act by the dog, the school and town would be directly responsible. The town suggested to provide a waiver to help with liability responsibility. It was recognized that even with a signed waiver they could still be sued, that this waiver would be used as just essential evidence to use with fighting against litigation. 

Lengthy discussion was held regarding the waiver and what the plan would be if they went in that route - would have to adhere to the cost of going to litigation even with having the waiver because the school counsel would not be able to cover that and represent them. 

Mrs. Morgan discussed with the committee if they want to keep the policy as is - or send it back to read? 

Ms. Flynn asked what their core concern was? - Mrs. Morgan said that the core concern is that if the therapy dog were to hurt someone that the town and school would not be covered by the town's insurance.

Mrs. Morgan confirmed that the current therapy dog is on pause for the moment and has not been in the facilities since the legal council reached out to herself and Mrs. Watts. The policy subcommittee will reach out to Pathfinder and see how their policy for their therapy dog is handled.

Mrs. Morgan sends policy back to the subcommittee - gather all the information and make an official plan for moving forward. Will be added to action items. 

Travel Club: Presentation from Mr. Fontaine regarding the pending Travel Club trip for April 18-27, 2026

Mr. Fontaine read off the entire itinerary of the trip to Spain - each day is packed with exciting things. The cost of this trip will be roughly about 4K per student (besides spending money) and will include all meals. The company Explorica Trip has planned this entire trip - (travel club reached out to another company and it was about 800 more.) - this quote will expire in a week. Travel club is asking the School Committee to approve the trip so they are able to get planning. The trip is open to grades 9-12 and trip insurance will also be available. Discussion and questions were asked regarding the trip.

Mrs. Morgan makes a motion to approve the trip to Spain in the Spring of 2026

Ms. Flynn seconds

Roll call was placed 

  • Mr. Wiggins - Yes

  • Ms. Nothe-Valley - Yes

  • Ms. Flynn - Yes

  • Mrs. Murphy - Yes

  • Mrs. Morgan - Yes

Sub pay rate for teaching and food service: The school committee will be tabling the sub pay rate for teaching and food service due to not speaking about it at the finance subcommittee meeting - the meeting went up to the regular business meeting. 

Non resident Vocational placement transportation letter to the governor:

Mrs. Watts stated that she received correspondence from the town of Cummington and their district. They are asking schools and districts to join them in sending a letter to the governor concerning the non-resident transportation tuition for out of district vocational schools. Mrs. Watts stated that students have the right that if they are in the district to seek a vocation placement for educational excelling, if not offered in their home district. They have a right to apply and if they get in, the home district has to then transport them at the cost of said home district. Mrs. Watts stated that there is a way to get reimbursement but every year looks different on what the amount may be. Mrs. Watts said that our district may have to deal with this next year - and understands that students have the right to explore their options but wants the committee to be aware of the costs. 

Mrs. Morgan asked what are these placements - as we have a vocational school close by? Mrs. Watts stated that it may be a program that’s not offered at Pathfinder, etc. Discussion was followed regarding the vocational transportation letter.

Mrs. Watts asked the committee if there is interest in our district writing a letter? 

Mrs. Morgan makes a motion to initiate our district to write a letter to the governor regarding non resident vocational school transportation concerns.

Roll call was placed 

  • Mr. Wiggins - Yes

  • Ms. Nothe-Valley - Yes

  • Ms. Flynn - Yes

  • Mrs. Murphy - Yes

  • Mrs. Morgan - Yes

Old Business

-Interim Superintendent update: There are currently 2 applicants that will be coming on Tuesday December 10th @ 6PM for interviews. This will be an open meeting - anyone is able to attend.

-The school committee will ask the applicants questions and discuss / the committee will vote and go into executive session to come to an agreement, if not it will be added to the next meeting but are hoping to have the interim superintendent start on Jan 6th.

-Ms. Flynn thanked Mrs. Morgan for all of her hard work on the interim superintendent search. 

Scheduled Meetings

-Dec 10th Interim Superintendent interviews @ 6PM

-Finance subcommittee meeting December 10th @ 5:15PM 

-December regular business meeting 19th @ 7PM

-January regular business meetings week of the 8th and the 22nd @ 7PM

-January 8th policy subcommittee meeting @ 6PM 

-Triboard meeting, January 13th @ 7PM location @ the town hall 

-January 22nd curriculum subcommittee meeting @ 6pm

-Email members the meeting dates / include tri board meeting location downtown 

  • Mrs. Morgan makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:56PM (Second by Mrs. Murphy seconds)

  • Motion Carries 5-0 

Documentation for this meeting:

Agenda December 4, 2024 

Distributed at meeting:

Meeting minutes for approval: November 13, 2024

Approved by Committee:


Ms. Nothe-Valley, Secretary

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