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COVID Plan Communication Update

Dear Parents/Guardians: This email is a follow-up to my communication of October 22. On that date, I let you know that my plan was to submit a proposal to the School Committee identifying the following two additional metrics that must be met for schools to remain open should we be given a red designation by the Department of Public Health:

  • Case Count of the last 14 days is 15 or less (15 cases = .18% of the townspeople)

  • Percent Positivity of the last 14 days is 2.5% or lower (half of the State recommendation)

The proposal was unanimously approved by the Committee last Thursday and is attached. It remains in effect until December 31, 2020. As you know, many municipalities, including Monson, have fallen in and out of the red and/or yellow designations. We are currently yellow, but in prior weeks have been red. This means that barring any widespread sickness in our schools and/or town, we will remain open if we do go to red as long as these two additional metrics are met. Our hope is that this plan will avoid frequent flip-flopping from in-person to remote learning and allow everyone in the school community to feel better prepared as to what lies ahead. I will be holding the following Zoom sessions to answer any questions you may have about this plan. Next week begins the second term, so it's a good time to check in with our families!


Time: Nov 5, 2020 06:15 PM

Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 999 9370 6120 Passcode: 613300


Time: Nov 4, 2020 07:00 PM

Meeting ID: 971 0665 2141

Passcode: 360331


Time: Nov 5, 2020 05:30 PM

Meeting ID: 942 7436 2347

Passcode: 695948


Time: Nov 4, 2020 10:00 AM

Meeting ID: 984 5204 5077

Passcode: 689361

Time: Nov 5, 2020 07:00 PM

Meeting ID: 927 5622 8277

Passcode: 625984

Thank you for your continued support during this very challenging time!

Sincerely, Cheryl Clarke, Ed.D. Superintendent


For the Period October 21, 2020 through December 31, 2020:

If red week one or week two, schools remain open if both of the following criteria are met:

  • Case Count of the last 14 days is 15 or less (15 cases = .18% of the townspeople)

  • Percent Positivity of the last 14 days is 2.5% or lower (half of the State recommendation)

Athletics – teams will continue to practice and play as long as school buildings are open.

If red three weeks in a row regardless if the above criteria is met:

  • School buildings will close at the end of that third week.

  • All students, including high needs and preschool, will learn remotely from home.

  • All staff will teach remotely from home.

  • The buildings will be accessible on that Friday for staff to gather any materials they need for the next three weeks (or more).

  • Athletics – students will not practice or play during this time.

  • Data will be analyzed in three-week segments, and the designation would need to go to yellow, green or gray for three consecutive weeks to reenter school buildings.


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