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Band Information and Survey

Due to the required changes to the weekly schedule beginning on April 5, 2021, we are unable to offer band class remotely on Fridays after 4-2-21. All students will be taking Music Appreciation in its place. However, we have designed an alternative plan that will allow band instruction to continue throughout the remainder of the school year. Mr. Nichols will be implementing a weekly band session to be held after school on Tuesdays from dismissal time to 4:05 pm. Students will need to be picked up promptly at that time. Here is the tentative schedule for Band enrichment.

Please fill out this form to assist us in our planning process.

  • We are excited to be able to extend the learning into the spring and thankful to Mr. Nichols for his flexibility during this most unusual year!

  • Remote learners will continue to meet via zoom, similarly to how you currently meet on Fridays.

  • In person learners will report to Mr. Nichols at dismissal time, similarly to how students attend extra help. In person sessions will occur outdoors as weather permits, or in a large space such as the auditorium in cases of inclement weather.

  • The basic plan is as follows:

    • Band continues as usual through to 4/2.

    • Beginning the week of April 5th, each grade level has an exclusive session with Mr. Nichols-- starting with grade 6, then 5, then 4.

    • The following week, Mr. Nichols will meet with the combined 4-6 remote students as one group via zoom.

    • After that initial rotation is complete, Mr. Nichols will meet with the in person students one week and the remote students the next.

    • The final two weeks of the year, we will hold an informal event for the students to showcase their work and celebrate their progress.

Please fill out this form to assist us in our planning process.


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Central Business Office: 413.267.4150

Early Childhood Center: 413.267.4160

Granite Valley School: 413.267.4155

Monson High School: 413.267.4589

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