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Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

We would like to share with you how our arrival and dismissal procedures work at Granite Valley.


  • You will form two lines at the back of the parking lot, the lane furthest from the building.

  • We will start exiting students from cars at 8:40am.

  • A staff member will be there to open the car door for each student, say good morning and walk them to the sidewalk.

  • Cars will proceed down the left side of the middle aisle to exit the school.

  • Students will walk along the sidewalk to the doorways. Grades 1-4 go in the main doors which are labeled Door 1 and Door 2. Grades 5-6 go into the far right door, labeled Door 3.

  • There will be lots of staff around to help each student and guide traffic!


  • Two lines will form at the back of the parking lot, the lane furthest from the building.

  • A staff member will come to record the name of your students, usually about the first 30 cars.

  • Car line dismissal starts at approximately 3:05pm, once the busses leave. Cars will slowly merge to form one line in the front circle.

  • Cars will drive to the front circle, stopping at the staff member and cone at the end.

  • Your child will watch and walk to your car staying on the inside of the sidewalk.

  • Please wait until the car in front of you drives way before you exit.

  • There will be lots of staff around to help each student and guide traffic!

Please check out the videos below to see Arrival and Dismissal in action!


Central Business Office

Early Childhood Center

Granite Valley School

Monson High School





43 Margaret Street

43 Margaret Street

21 Thompson Street

55 Margaret Street

© 2020 Monson Public Schools 

Central Business Office: 413.267.4150

Early Childhood Center: 413.267.4160

Granite Valley School: 413.267.4155

Monson High School: 413.267.4589

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